Life and health insurance marketers who depend upon independent producers to represent them and sell their products face a major problem that never seems to go away: How does a company or wholesaler consistently attract good producers so that the distribution "pipeline" never runs dry?

If you're a life and health marketer, you don't have to face that problem alone.



Hirsch Communications Consulting, LLC, was founded by business-to-business media veteran Charles K. Hirsch, CLU, to address that challenge and more. With more than 30 years of experience editing, publishing, and managing some of the most well-respected publications, web sites, and live events in the financial services business, Chuck is now sharing his expertise and experience with marketers who are interested in:

  • making the most of their marketing dollars,
  • developing strong integrated media plans that make the most sense for their company's budget and objectives,
  • communicating with producers in a way that generates interest and response,
  • establishing strong relationships with the editors and publishers of the best media outlets in the business,
  • positioning their company in the minds of the nation's top producers as the company with which to do business, and
  • providing unique sales incentive programs to get the most production out of their sales force.

In addition, if you're not in the financial services business but are looking to do business with companies that are, Chuck can help you navigate the often intimidating structure of the insurance home office. He understands how decisions are made, and has many relationships with the people who make them.

Chuck has spent more than a quarter century addressing the challenges and bridging the communication gap between marketers and producers. Couldn’t you benefit from putting his experience to work for you?

Please take a few minutes to explore our consulting services. If you have any questions or would like us to call you, just send Chuck an e-mail at or call him directly at 314-630-1387.

Who We Are

Hirsch Communications Consulting, LLC, provides communications consulting services to life and health insurance companies and marketing firms, and provides publishing management consulting services to business-to-business media firms.

About Us

What We Can Do

With more than 30 years of experience in a variety of roles in the insurance industry trade press – acting as the communications link between insurance marketers and top producers – Chuck Hirsch of Hirsch Communications Consulting, LLC, is uniquely qualified to assist your company in resolving problems.

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Where You Can Turn

When you visit our News and Events page, you’ll find a number of items pertinent to communicating with and marketing to independent producers in the life and health insurance business.

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